Ancient Greek Inscriptions

from Bulgaria

Klada Bg

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The aim of the Telamon project initiated by the Department of Classics to St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia is to create a digital library of the ancient Greek inscriptions found in Bulgaria. Their number is over 4000 and they have been created over the span of more than eleven centuries (6. c. BC - 6. c. AD). The inscriptions dating up to the 4. c. AD are published by Georgi Mihailov in the 5-volume corpus "Inscriptiones Graecae in Bulgaria repertae" (1956-1997), while the late antique inscriptions are edited by Vesselin Beshevliev in “Spätgriechische und spätlateinische Inschriften aus Bulgarien” (1964). Our goal is to revise these editions as well as to add to them monuments discovered later and often scattered through various, sometimes inaccessible, publications. For the first time these monuments are now being collected into a bilingual digital corpus with translations added. Their revisions, corrections, the publications of new inscriptions and also the commentaries are the result of the scholarly research of Nicolay Sharankov.

Apart from the unrestricted access to all the available epigraphic documentation, the digital database allows the constant enlargement and updating of the information, as well as the establishing of various relations between the documents and searches according to different criteria.

The Telamon platform aids the study of the ancient history, culture and languages of Antiquity in the region of today’s Bulgaria and also of Graeco-Roman civilisation as a whole.



От -450 до 350 година

Last edited Inscriptions

Number : Tlmn3_0006
Find place: Chirpan
Editor: Vasilka Gerasimova-Tomova, Lorenz Hollenstein
Ἀγαθῆι τύχηι. Αὐτοκράτορι Καίσα ρι Μάρκῳ Ἀντωνίῳ Γορδι ανῷ Εὐτυχεῖ Εὐσεβεῖ...
Type of monument: column
Material: marble
Category of inscription: milestone
Number : Tlmn4_0004
Find place: Heraclea Sintica
Editor: Nicolay Sharankov
Ἡ πόλις Δέκμον Τερέντιον Δέκμου υἱὸν Κυρείνα Γεντιανὸν Γνάιον Μινίκιον Φαυστεῖνον τεσσάρων ἀνδρῶν...
Type of monument: slab
Material: marble
Category of inscription: honorary inscription for kings, emperors, Roman officials - prose
Number : Tlmn4_0003
Find place: Heraclea Sintica
Editor: Nicolay Sharankov
Ἡ πόλις ἀγοωνοθετοῦντος (!) Τιβερίου Κλαυδίου Βακχίου, πολιταρχούντων Μενάνδρου τοῦ Ἁρπάλου, Πύρρου τοῦ...
Type of monument: slab
Material: marble
Category of inscription: building inscription
Number : Tlmn2_0002
Find place: Gigen
Editor: Václav Dobruský, Veselin Beševliev, Nicolay Sharankov
Χαῖρε, παροδεῖτα. Αὐρηλία Φιλικί σιιμα Νεικαηνὴ συνβιώσασα Βάλσσῳ ζήσασα ἔτη πεντήκοντα, μνήμης χάριν....
Type of monument: stele
Material: limestone
Category of inscription: funerary inscription - prose
Number : IGBulg_0902 / III.902
Find place: Plovdiv
Editor: Georgi Mihailov
Ἀγαθῇ τύχῃ. Ὑπὲρ τῆς τῶν αὐτοκρατόρων νίκης καὶ αἰωνίου διαμονῆς Μάρκου Αὐρηλίου Ἀντωνείνου...
Type of monument: slab
Material: marble
Category of inscription: honorary inscription for kings, emperors, Roman officials - prose