Ancient Greek Inscriptions

from Bulgaria

Klada Bg



От -450 до 350 година

Original location :Phil X
Object type :stela X

Results per page: 10 / Pages: 1 / Results found: 1 / Current page: 1

Number : SIBulg_207 / SGLI.207
Find place: Plovdiv
Editor: Vitalien Laurent, Veselin Beševliev, Nicolay Sharankov
ωπη (= Ἰησοῦς) δ Τοῦτον ἐμοὶ Τατιανῷ περίολβον δόμον δώρου χάριν ἐξετέλεσεν ἀγάπην...
Type of monument: stele
Material: marble
Category of inscription: funerary inscription - verse