Κατὰ θεῖαν ἀπόφασιν rеnders the Latin formula "ex auctoritate imperatoris".
Quintus Atrius Clonius was governor of Thrace under Emperor Caracalla. In the inscription, he is legate of two emperors, which sets the date during the joint reign of Caracalla and Geta (AD 211-212).
The office of Publius Mucius Verus not mentioned here was censitor provinciae Thraciae; it is attested in an honorary inscription for him from Albenga in Italy (CIL V 7784).
The name of the village of Βενδι-παρα (neuter plural) is a Thracian compound; its first element is seemingly related to the name of the goddess Bendis. Two other boundary stones with identical texts have been found (IGBulg 1472 and IGBulg 5534).