The office of ἐπικτηνίτης was connected to the logistics of livestock. Evidence from Egypt shows that the ἐπικτηνίτης was in charge of livestock (mostly horses) and other related provisions.
Cellae (Κέλλαι, misspelled Cillae) was a road station on the so-called "Via Diagonalis/Militaris", mentioned in Itinerarium Antonini Augusti and Itinerarium Burdigalense (as 'mansio'). The name Cellae is of Thracian origin and means "font, spring". In the vicinity of Cellae, there was an imperial domain, referred to as "Saltus" in a Late Antique life of martyrs. Proculus and Eutychianus apparently served in the domain, which could explain the use of the Latin loanword "collega". They were probably in charge of the imperial horses like the dedicant in IGBulg 5652.