The text of the inscription follows the edition of Mihailov and is rendered with some changes after a comparison through personal observation by N. Sharankov.
Zethus bears one name and is probably a slave of Eustochius Celer (for the latter, see the commentary on IGBulg 1449).
Celer’s wife has Roman citizenship and has two Roman praenomina, Claudia and Antia, as well as a Greek cognomen, Asclepiodote. She belongs to the noble family of the Antii from Pautalia (modern Kyustendil) attested in IGBulg 2050; IGBulg 2053; IGBulg 2068; AE 2006, 1254.
The word κάνκελλος on l. 9 is the Latin term "cancellus" signifying an enclosure around the altar.