The sanctuary of Asclepius near Batkun was founded in the early II c. AD under Emperor Trajan and became the most important sanctuary in Roman Thrace. The cult was worshipped even in Rome by praetorian soldiers of Thracian origin (CIL VI 2799 = 32543).
The epithet of Asclepios Ζυλμυσδριηνος is characteristic for the sanctuary and appears in several different variants. It is derived from a toponym attested as "Sindrina reg(ionis) Philippopolitanae" in the inscription from Rome CIL VI 16 = 30685.
Marcus Virdius Taurus belonged to the equestrian family of the Virdii (cf. IGBulg 1144+1170, IGBulg 1454 and AE 2005, 1382); on this family, see Sharankov 2005, p. 62-69, Шаранков 2006, p. 191-192.